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5 Reasons to Run a Marathon!!!

March 31, 2011

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5 Great Reasons to Run a Marathon……..really! Many people have run marathons for sure, but in the USA it is estimated that only between 1-2% of people EVER run one. OK, OK, the US is probably a bad example- the land of Supersize Me burgers and oversized meals may not be the most marathon-friendly population […]

Quiz Answers:March 25th!!! How many did you get?

March 25, 2011

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So, here are the answers to the Friday Fun Run Taiwan Quiz!!! I’ve had 2 people send in answers and they scored 5/10 and 6/10 respectively- did you beat them? (1) The World Record for the men’s 100m sprint is held by Usain Bolt. The time is a rapid 9.58 seconds.     (2) The […]