October 23 China Hash Run Report: Trailer Park Redneck A-B Muzha!!

Posted on October 28, 2011

Date: October 23

Weather: Sunny

Hare: Trailer Park Redneck assisted by Toothprick

Turnout: Moderate

Location: A-B Run: Muzha to Linguang


If anything, this run proved the saying, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” totally true. A couple of years ago, yours truly had co-hared with TPR on a version of this run and felt I was in with a chance on this fine Sunday. How wrong can one be?

The start was at Muzha MRT and we ran through a couple of streets until we hit a pleasant enough concrete walking path, with nice agriculture to our right. At the end of this was a check. The choice was straight on, left up some concrete stairs, or right through a farmhouse. Totally misremembering I headed up the stairs to the left (actually remembering a Muzha -Jingmei run TPR had done in the past) and ended up at the back of the pack when the On-On call came from straight ahead. This was to set the tone for the day, as I constantly got screwed at checks and ended up frantically trying to make up ground on the front runners.

Anyway, the run then proceeded through some nice trails, through bamboo and up some grinding betel nut plantations. The next couple of checks left me floundering once more like Gadhafi in a tunnel and once again having to fight past walkers and assorted ‘tards who were banging their heads (literally) into trees like extras from Zombie Flesheaters- it was scary out there!!

One check in particular got me real bad/good. We hit a concrete path at the top of the hill and I, like returning runner Nara, knew there was a trail above us going over the highway. We looked, and looked, and looked….alas to no avail…..Indeed, the hare informed me later that the said trail was no longer there due to a new bridge that had been (annoyingly) built since we last run there…he also informed me that he knew that check would screw me……lovely!!!

Anyway, on down along a nice trail, through bamboo (and another check that screwed me) to a farm and then under the highway into some very nice running trails- me of course totally gormless and without a clue where I was. I make no apologies if this run report seems directionless and/or disjointed- it is merely an accurate reflection of my experience on the run. This was brought home by Teen Volf, who after the run said, ” When we saw Dick with Ears go off one way, we knew it was the opposite way. This vorked like a charm every time.”

From my obviously old and weak memory, I can report that we then hit some truly wonderful trails where we could run full speed and eventually came to Cemetery Road…HAHA!!! A check!!! And one I knew!!!! Immediate left and on to some ripping running trails where I could just let go and blast it, excellent stuff. Unfortunately, I was so far behind the front runners I was out of contention but I didn’t care…I just went balls out along the winding, wide, single-track trails that go on for a couple of km, past Night Market Fashion’s house (now an official part of TPR’s ‘A Runner’s Guide to Taipei’) and into the park in Linguang.

In the park it was to the On-In, where I found I had actually muscled my way up to 4th behind our GM(CoTL) Cory, and Weeping Pussy. If only I had a working brain!!!

Not sure who came in next- along with TPR we cleaned up and left immediately to go and watch the World Cup Rugby final with Sheepshagger and BVS. I can report happily that the All Blacks won that game, thus ensuring this year’s Down Island will take place…….

The Verdict:

An excellent A-B run so close to town with excellent trails and nice views. Good weather too. Some new stuff in the middle but loses a little for originality.

The Score:


Posted in: Run Reports